July 24, 2023

Jacqueline’s Plant Picks of the Week

Every week we’re publishing a NEW Plant Picks of the Week story, showcasing our Plant Specialists’’ top plant picks. Get ready to be inspired!

We recently asked Jacqueline to share her top plant picks. Here’s what she had to say:

Mariken Dwarf Ginkgo

Ginkgo biloba ‘Mariken’

This is a dwarf ginkgo tree with distinctive fan-shaped leaves; spreading branching habit; rich butter yellow in fall; a shrubby form of the species great for bonsai and containers

North Wind® Japanese Maple

Acer ‘IsINW’

An elegant ornamental tree with leaves that emerge a bright red, then turn green during summer, finishing off with a display of brilliant scarlet-orange fall color; a great accent tree for smaller home landscapes

Blue Star Juniper

Juniperus squamata ‘Blue Star’

An atypical and highly ornamental ball-shaped juniper with dense, silvery blue foliage radially arranged around the branches, giving the appearance of stars; an excellent color and interest plant for general garden use, good size for rock gardens

Green Mountain Boxwood

Buxus ‘Green Mountain’

A compact hybrid broadleaf evergreen with a pyramidal shape, makes a great accent hedge or garden detail plant, as it takes trimming well; very popular and one of the hardier varieties

Sombrero® Adobe Orange Coneflower

Echinacea ‘Balsomador’

Glowing, orange flowers with copper cones, produced on strong, well branched stems; attracts pollinators and feeds the birds in winter; use in naturalized areas with other native plants

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“Amazing selection and knowledgeable staff to answer questions. A must go to for any landscaping needs.”

—Janelle Coyne