February 28, 2024

How to Increase Curb Appeal

Every homeowner knows that the care and upkeep of a home can add up and take a lot of time. Then when people start thinking about the outside of their home, they can start to get overwhelmed. The constant “Chores” that need to be done including weeding, watering, pruning, and so much more make people want to tear their hair out. Everett’s Gardens is here to help. We want to help you make your home the most beautiful it can be with low maintenance and zero headache.

Landscaping can be broken down into two overarching areas, the front yard, and the back yard. The front yard is primarily seen by visitors, those driving by, and the homeowner when they come and go from their home. It is not a place where time is spent with family, games are played or gardens are made. That is reserved for the back yard. The back yard is for the homeowner, where they spend time outside around a fire, playing games, tending the garden, and enjoying their outdoor space. So, how can curb appeal be added to the front yard so more time can be spent doing the projects and things that are enjoyable?

One of the first places to start with curb appeal is to assess what in the landscape still has value. A lot of homeowners will purchase a home and be satisfied with the landscapes that have been left for them. In some cases, this is okay, but there should be no fear in removing, or relocating plant material that is not to your standards or likes. Do not be afraid to change things around and make them your own. If you are unsure of the plant material you have in the landscape and if they have value or a purpose there, take some pictures and bring them in to Everett’s Gardens. The sales team will be happy to help identify your plant material. 

Once you have decided what plants you would like to keep and have removed the plants you do not like, its now time to add new into the landscape. When it comes to curb appeal, try to keep it simple and low maintenance.

Simplicity in the front landscape through grouped planting will help keep things clean and will draw your eye around the landscape. Grouped plantings include planting 3, 5, or 7 of the same plant to fill a space.

Focal points are added to these grouped plantings to highlight specific plants and areas of the house you want to accent. Focal point plants are unique plants that add character to the landscape.

It is also important to find plant material that will add interest to all four seasons. Perennials and flowering shrubs can be paired together to have color through flowers all season long, and evergreens add depth to the landscape and add color in the winter. The staff at Everett’s Gardens is happy to help you find plants in the many options we have, that will fit the needs of your home.

DIY or Done-For-You? Landscape Design Options for Every Need

If you are looking to revamp your landscape and would like someone else to do all the planning and you do the planting, EG Designs will put together a design together for you to follow. They will walk you through what they planned and the reasons behind the plants and will assist in any questions you may have. 

If you are looking to revamp your landscape and would like someone else to take care of the entire thing, Everett’s Landscape will be happy to help plan something out for you. They will even come out and take care of all the removal and plantings for you. Give us a call today to find out more about the services Everett’s offers.

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“Amazing selection and knowledgeable staff to answer questions. A must go to for any landscaping needs.”

—Janelle Coyne