June 12, 2023

Brian Keuning’s Plant Picks of the Week – Jun 12 2023

Every week we’re publishing a NEW Plant Picks of the Week story, showcasing our Plant Specialists’’ top plant picks. Get ready to be inspired!

We recently asked Brian Keuning to share his top plant picks. Here’s what he had to say:

Sungold Falsecypress

Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Sungold’

A cultivar of threadleaf falsecypress with fine, almost string-like golden foliage all season long, giving an extremely fine texture; an extremely dwarf variety, ideal for color and texture detail in the garden

Espresso™ Kentucky Coffeetree

Gymnocladus dioicus ‘Espresso-JFS’

A stately large shade tree with massive yet delicate compound leaves; a seedless cultivar; rather coarse outline when young and when bare in winter, but very attractive when in leaf; tolerant of adverse growing conditions; for larger landscapes

Yama Kagi Fullmoon Maple

Acer japonicum ‘Yama Kagi’

A stunning and shapely tree that is the ideal size for the home landscape, interesting in all seasons; large, deeply lobed leaves emerge lime green, turn a rich forest green in summer, then a stunning crimson-orange in fall

All Gold Hakone Grass

Hakonechloa macra ‘All Gold’

Graceful arching grassy foliage is gold colored and almost bamboo-like, makes a spectacular color accent in the garden, beautiful along pathways, edges and containers; provide good drainage; can have nice reddish-tan color in fall

Weeping White Spruce

Picea glauca ‘Pendula’

This stately evergreen has nice blue-green foliage that hugs the trunk, sweeping downward to create a fantastic impression; prefers sun or light shade and rich moist soil but is adaptable; the perfect accent tree for defining lawn areas or walkways

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“Amazing selection and knowledgeable staff to answer questions. A must go to for any landscaping needs.”

—Janelle Coyne